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.Saturday, November 21, 2009 ' 5:12 AM Y
Tomorrow we are having BBQ...
:) wow..long time nv bbq le lolx...There will be lots of food to eat..hahax
hmm homewok haven complete haizz still gt lots of work haven do ...Aniwae tmr goin to hav fun..
Now gonna go off le, end my post here!

To all friends and others,
have fun and enjoy de holidaes...

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Friday, November 20, 2009 ' 1:13 AM Y
The trip to Vietnam,Hanoi was fun . The weather was as cold as 14 degree to 20 ++ degree Celsius.. we went to visit different places and went to watch puppet show ,etc..We also went to the Hilton prison whereby we can see some of the things where the prisoners actually wear and those equipment that were used on the prisoners.Life was harsh and terrible as they were being chained.
There was also a visit to the orphanage .The children were so happy when they saw us .They shout hello to us and the children there are cute .><

well despite these we also hav some delicious food to eat.We visit different restaurant and some were beautifully decorated .While others are decorated in a traditional style.

hahax.. The very first meal and the very first dish was ......chicken feet..I tried one and think it is not bad however i dont really like it...Aniwae we gotta try some food there even though we dun feel like eating in this case it was the chicken feet hahax..Overall the food are quite nice the prawns are fresh and there were also spring roll. There were also some other sea food and others,etc..

We also went to the temple of literature. However it was the Vietnam first university.There were many names carve on the tablet and those are people who had the doctorate degree..
gotta end moi post here hahaax.. hope you guys are having fun in co camp!!

at Bobby Chinn Restaurant ...:)

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

. ' 1:12 AM Y
Initially, i thought Hanoi was a country with chaos and was noisy.However, after visiting Hanoi in the last few days , my impression of Hanoi has changed.My impression of Hanoi in the last few days was that it was actually quite impressive and peaceful. To me , it seems to be a country that was actually quite friendly .

I remembered our first road crossing in Vietnam. There were lots of vehicles on the road especially the scooters. There were traffic lights however it seems to be ignore by most motorist. People can just cross the roads without waiting for the traffic lights . It was thrilling but it is dangerous. As there were so many vehicles zooming past at one go

The Hilton prison had left a deep impression on me.We saw how the prisoners suffers during the 19th century where Vietnam was colonized by the French.During those times, life was hard and people in Vietnam went through lots of torture.

Another memorable experiences is the trip to the Dau go caves which is the limestone caves. The caves was very huge and beautiful. It was my first visit to a cave and having the chance to see those rocks that are formed due to the erosional processes, it is quite amazing as the rocks somehow formed into an animal .

Our last day trip in Hanoi, we went to visit the orphanage whereby some are agent orange victims.They seems to be quite normal just like all of us here however, we do not know their history and what they went through. It was quite sad seeing those little kids in agony while doing their physiotherapy. While they do the hand embroidery , they looks extremely serious and they really put in their efforts to do their piece of work well.I think we should learn the good spirits that they have and we can applied them in our daily lives.

I learn the lifestyle of people in Vietnam and it tells me that we are more fortunate than others and we should learn to treasure what we have and made no complaints as there are many others who are less fortunate and need more than what we have now.Another things that i have learn is as a student of Singapore,we should be thankful and grateful for the good education and facilities here. Not all people have the chance to study therefore it prompt us to treasure what we have in Singapore.Lastly,I have also learn about the country developments. As we were being told, there were 36 streets with 36 different trades in the ancient quarters.However, as a country keeps developing, some of these trades will slowly disappear as it will be replace by some of the modern trades such as hotels , cafe and restaurant.The olden days trade will remain unknown to the younger generations if they are left untold.Hence,it result in a disadvantaged whereby the younger generation are not being able to learn about the past trade and experience by themselves .Similarly, deforestation also cause a negative impact where it post a great harm to the environment . After deforestation, there will be less trees or no trees at all hence it will result in soil erosion which cause great damages especially to the roads near it if it has a massive impact.Thus, it will affect the people living there.This shows that there is a chain cycle whereby one things can lead to many other obstruction hence, what we do will made an impact on others .We should always think twice before making a decision in our daily life such as wasting food and become picky ,etc.With these I hope all of us will learn to treasure more and have enjoyed the trip to Hanoi.

Lastly, I thank all the teachers who have accompany us in this wonderful and memorable trip.

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Saturday, November 14, 2009 ' 1:02 AM Y
hahax:) holidae le ermm ytd juz com back from moi ah ma hse ..hmm on mondae will be leaving singapore le..nx week hav co camp hope u guys enjoy de campand hav fun !!
hope to join in but too bad hahax ..

gtg going to end moi post here..><

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Tuesday, October 27, 2009 ' 10:49 PM Y
hmm its been 2 mths nv update le..hax..holidae comin soon but still need go bac for extra lesson.haizz..tmr is bi hsin b'dae gonna wish her happy b'dae here.. currently in school,
nw nth to do gonna wait for few minutes more for de talk to start..
yeah holidae comin finally can hav a long break..><

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Sunday, August 30, 2009 ' 12:53 AM Y
haha... school holidae comin le in juz a week oni
haizz but need go bac to sch for three daes.
tmr is celebrating teacher's dae but we ended late for tmr..
hmmm wish all teacher: happy teacher's dae
gtg ..bb

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Sunday, August 09, 2009 ' 4:37 AM Y
hahax.. happi b'dae to singapore..hmm tmr dun need go sch..haha..
hmm soon goin out le..so gt to off com nw..hax..have fun ferr those hu go celebrate or go to de parade watch ..hmm gtg bb..><

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Sunday, August 02, 2009 ' 2:31 AM Y
haizz.. long time nv update..hmm tmr have sch..so tired..common test comin lolx..
veri fast den later gt mani other events coming up..hahax.. tis yr also end quite fast nw alrdy august le..few more months to go den is holidae..hahax..>< nw need do de project..gtg bb

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Wednesday, July 01, 2009 ' 5:55 AM Y
hmm june holidae had ended..it is a fresh new term again...
de time table had change and de timing was longer than before ..haizz end school later...
todae, afterschool, yh,onesia,bi hsin and i went to hougang mall..de ice-kacang was quite delicious..hahax.. wit de jelly all tat quite nice..hahax..
hmm tmr end sch late..haizz..soo tired nw..still have chinese hmewok to do but tink tmr or fridae when i hav time den do..goin to watch show le..hahax..nx time den post le...bye..!!

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Monday, June 22, 2009 ' 2:46 AM Y
hmm yesterdae went to grandma hse..hax..den go to tpy central to shop ...
ermm holidae soon goin to end but nt sure whether will extend de holidae due to de viruses..still gt mani hmewk havent complete ...die..die..hahax..><
nx time post le:) bye!!..

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Thursday, June 04, 2009 ' 2:42 AM Y
hahax.. juz nw go ntuc wit aunt and ah ma..hah...hmm gonna wish sis & sin hui happi b'dae in advance ..hahax..may all of u be cheerful and smile alwaess hahx..enjoy ur dae..wahahah..

hmm ltr gonna go down play badminton wit cousin ..><


♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Tuesday, June 02, 2009 ' 10:03 PM Y
hmm last sunday went to play kites..hahax.. so mani ppl and de strings gt tangled...it was quite windy ...nw is june holidae but still need go school for 'x'tra lesson and also 4 cca...tink is on monday or during de weekends that i go to de giant shopping centre...gt balloon and de dinosaur hahx.. so mani children go there and take balloon hax..dunnoe y have all these but tink is sort of an anniversary dae for de shoppin mall or wad..lolx..><

well... tis sat maybe gt go put kites again ><
finally for tis week oni can dun go school for lesson le ..
hax..:) yesterdae actually wan go to downtown to shop but too bad de weather was so hot that in de end nv go ..hax.. stay at hme better lolx..ermm dunoe gt wd event after todae..hahax..
gtg nx time den post le..bb

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Saturday, May 09, 2009 ' 7:44 AM Y
Todae go grandma hse..hax.. buy lots of things to eat and there is also durian..hhax..eat untill very full.. lolx..hahax.. After that go temple pray den go to changi beach...todae so mani ppl at de beach there.. some play kites..but too bad the wind wasnt strong enough so de kites couldnt fly high..tmr is mother's dae so tmr also gt go out but dunnoe go whr ...hax..Tink tmr go outside eat den will eat till very full de lol & will be veri tired..lucky mondae dun hav school if nt really becom too tired le..hax finally finish de project hmm gtg le den nx time post again .再见了。。哈哈。:)

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Sunday, April 19, 2009 ' 2:57 AM Y
hmm long time nv post le.. tmr will be exactly a month nv update moi blog..hahax..
yesterdae go school for de fun fair event ..the weather was so hot and there were mani ppl there..
tmr will be the elearn dae.. actually dun need to go sch ..but tmr gt cca so need go for de practice..
o..the SYS is tis coming wed..so fast ..
when it was 3 weeks ago, thought it was so slow and far from the syf..hax..>< >here gotta wish yan ling happi belated b'dae... eventhough its already veri long awae from ur b'dae but still wish u and hope u have enjoyed ur time..hahx,.

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Friday, March 20, 2009 ' 3:03 AM Y
Left 3 daes for holidae to end ..hmm nw so bored nth to do so come here to post ..hahax..
hmm Syf aound de corner .. hope we gt gd results..hahax
Yeah ..Finally finsh de holidae homewok le..but gt some qn dunnoe hw do ...
Yesterdae go to cousin house to eat dinner.. on de wae to moi cousin hse, i saw 2 big black dogs..dunnoe wad's de dog name ..hax.. den younger siblings go watch movie wit moi other cousin caz his birthdae tat dae..hahax..dunnoe wad movie they watch but they sae quite funny..
They enjoy can le..haha..
Term 1 was goin to end soon ..haizz term 2 will have a lot more to go
..Its a long wae but time past veri fast .. Nx year we'll be takin o levels exam le..so fast de.hmmm still haven plan wad course to take and wad i wanna do in future..wad shld i do?? hahax.. gotta leave till nx yr den plan ba.. maybe it will be quite late at tat time to tink but no choice le..hax..><
Wish all sec 4s pass their exams wit flying colors..

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Tuesday, March 17, 2009 ' 4:21 AM Y

thx dati for de pooh bear..

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

. ' 4:02 AM Y
yesterdae went out wit frenze..rain again.. tmr still gt cca..hahax..

dunnoe wan post wad.. quite lame here..dotz..lolx..hahx..holidae goin to end soon..havent really enjoy yet.,. hope can be longer abit ..wahaha..

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Sunday, March 15, 2009 ' 2:09 AM Y
hahaxx...finally holide le..but still need go sch nx wk..gt cca ..><

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Sunday, March 08, 2009 ' 12:29 AM Y
hmm yesterdae went to alot of places..my aunt brought miie and moi siblings to many places..we go to alexandra there eat den go vivo shop ,den east coast park ,hot park ,tampinese(think i spell wrong )hmm maybe missed out some hahax.. aniwae its such a hot and sunny dae..o ya yesterdae also gt rain and thunder but agter tat also veri hot..hax..quite tired come out at 12 ++ den come bac around 11++ goin 12 ..

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Friday, March 06, 2009 ' 4:12 AM Y
todae after school we go to de sculpture park ..hax..having such an enjoyable dae and thx for de celebration>< we took some pictures oso ..*nx time i post more hehe :0 XD...

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Sunday, March 01, 2009 ' 2:00 AM Y

yesterdae , moi cousin b'dae..de cake quite nice hax..mango flavour de..wow..rain so heavily,sure gt drenched when no umbrella>< .. hmmm de lightnin were very bright also..haha...yeah finally exam is over..and near march holidae le..hahax..but still need go bac sch for cca..haizz

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Sunday, February 15, 2009 ' 3:28 AM Y
Tmr goin bac to sch le..hahx.. TIME past so fast>< + nowadaes de weather so hot ..hmm nth much to post todae.. hax:)

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Saturday, February 14, 2009 ' 2:41 AM Y
yesterdae..x'country..at bedok there..mani ppl late and de bus was fill wit sch de ppl..hahax..><
todae is valentine dae..wish all happi valentine ..gratz to all those who gt prizes in x country race..hahx...

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Saturday, February 07, 2009 ' 7:37 AM Y
todae go tpy safra performin ..hahax..jux come bac around 10++ hahahxx

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Wednesday, February 04, 2009 ' 5:44 AM Y
todae after raining de weather became very hot..lolx..hmm den go for cca..hahax.. yeah todae finally got no homewok but gt test tmr..>< ..todae de bus come quite late at 6.48 den come ..missed de earlier bus..

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Monday, January 26, 2009 ' 7:12 AM Y
todae veri early wke up and go out to my grand ma hse den to moi ah ma hse..so mani ppl jux now..hahax...hmm going home nw le...so end here:) hahax..tmr still need go out..lolx,,hahax

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

.Sunday, January 25, 2009 ' 12:13 AM Y
finally juz came bac from camp on de 16 den veri tired..but quite fun there..todae gotta wish happi new year..to all...>< hax..so fast new year le..lolx..
hope mani good things will happen in tis yr..hahax...aniwae todae Reunion dinner eatin at moi grandma hse..den after tat goin out wit sis to chinatown..todae gonna slp late..:)

♪♪every moment of laughter stays..("v")..♪♪

Wishes To All l

hiie..welcome to my blog.
wish u good luck &
enjoy ur dae! All de bez to u

Just me Y

Egg cracked on7 m@rch
add me at toh_weebee@hotmail.com



Tag me if you wants to be linked.
hmm also telll miie ur link as well ..hahax

AaRoN cHaNg
aNn(sharing wit sis)
Bi HsIn
GeOk sAn
HwEe HoOn
SiN yI
skco(er hu)
SzE hUi
YaN LiNg
YeE hOnG
yes we can


Your melodies here.
Imeem or myflashfetish !
If I Open Up My Heart To You - Deestylistic

Much thanks toY

Contributed; Teddymine
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